How AI is Transforming Healthcare
November 30, 2023. By Adriene Barki '24
AI is utilized across several industries on an everyday basis as it creates a more efficient method for identification. This is especially true for the healthcare industry.
Over the past year, ChatGPT has made a large impact in the artificial intelligence industry, amassing over 1.5 billion views and millions of concurrent users since 2022. The use of ChatGPT has capabilities ranging from creating a customized workout plan to offering delicious recipes. Using artificial intelligence in this manner provides many benefits to our daily lives.
AI, otherwise known as artificial intelligence, refers to technology with capabilities to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence and/or perspective. All AI technologies require a stream of algorithms that allow the program to quickly generate an output. AI is utilized across several industries on an everyday basis as it creates a more efficient method for identification. This is especially true for the healthcare industry.
The healthcare industry would not be as reliable and efficient without the use of AI. For the last 50 years, AI has been at the core of healthcare, heavily used for data analysis, diagnosing diseases, and creating a more efficient environment in the healthcare industry. Data analysis requires AI produced algorithms to analyze patient data such as medical imaging, lab results, previous health records, genetic information, and clinical data used to assist healthcare professionals to establish an accurate assumption and timely diagnosis. The numerous amounts of medical data, including the patient’s medical history, symptoms, and other relevant data, has to be efficiently processed and analyzed by a specific AI algorithm to yield data for a medical diagnosis. These specific Al algorithms rely extensively on machine learning with capabilities to analyze a vast amount of data to find hidden associations, biomarkers, and disease-associated risk factors that practitioners might miss. Through this process, AI is able to create an extremely precise diagnosis with individualized treatment for each patient.
The use of AI in healthcare results in a decrease in costs, better patient care, and greater motivation of healthcare workers. It’s no secret that U.S. healthcare spending is the highest in the world, meaning that expanding the use of AI technology within this industry can help reduce these costs through automation. AI also improves patient care, as patient monitoring tools offer abilities for vital signs while also taking data and analyzing patterns indicating a medical emergency. The monitoring tools can also be used for home monitoring patients and not just in the healthcare environment. AI also helps with the mental health of healthcare workers. Burnout in healthcare workers notably affects a significant number of doctors and nurses, which causes a downstream effect of healthcare workers leaving their jobs. AI tools solve these issues by reducing the time consumption spent on clinical documentation, collecting patient health information in advance of the visit to name one example.
The expansion of AI in healthcare has truly advanced the efficiency and precision of this industry for both the workers and patients involved. Without this advancement, the quality of healthcare would not be the same in places like the United States, meaning that we have much to be grateful for having AI.
Works Cited:
Avcontentteam. “How Does AI Medical Diagnosis Work?” Analytics Vidhya, 16 July 2023,,-The%20Use%20Of&text=AI%20tools%20can%20use%20machine,factors%20and%20early%20warning%20indications.
“How Artificial Intelligence Is Transforming Healthcare.” DeepScribe AI Medical Scribe, Accessed 19 Nov. 2023.
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