One of the reasons cockroaches are so abundant is because of their resistance to pesticides. Because the German cockroach has genes for smell and proteins, they can resist toxic substances like pesticides. Their smell allows them to search for safe food sources. As a result, German cockroaches have become resistant to almost all pesticides in the last 60 years. A positive correlation exists between their high amount of genes and their potential to adapt.
Works Cited
McGrath, Scott. “Is It a German or Asian.....Roach?” McGrath Pest Control, 20 May 2020,
Quaglia, Sofia. “How the Cockroach Took over the World.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 20 May 2024, 0research%20found%20that,quickly%20developing%20resistance%20to%20insecticides.
Roche, John. “California Study Warns of Growing Insecticide Resistance in Cockroaches.” Entomology Today, 27 Jan. 2022,